Emotional DEFCON, poetry by Manny Rey at Spillwords.com

Emotional DEFCON

Emotional DEFCON

written by: Manny Rey



It happens quickly
Something is said and things start off at a 5
Everybody chillin’, trying to be a villain
like Bob Dylan,
except keenly present in the now,
whiffing the smell of excitement as it perfumes the air
and hints of the possible storm
brewing in the horizon

Then a gale arrives,
this silent precursor of chaos,
hits us in the face
and peels off our masks of doubt and mediocrity.
True colors of suppressed pain and rage
Reveal themselves and take the stage
When the wrong word lands on the floor
And just like that we are off to 4,
A bristling reaction to an unwelcomed action
White flags or apologies are nowhere to be found
Spoken or otherwise

The countermove plotting begins
Strategies play out for the chess match
Brewing in our head
Trading pieces and moves
Before a checkmate or shah-k-mate
Of fight or flight responses
Urges us to take some ill-fated chances

Keep your cool man
Things feel electric around here
Magnetic static
Tickles the thumb
On the trigger of the lighter
Ready to swipe and spark and light shit up
Holding steady with a shift to 3
Staving off conflict,
For now,
And with furrowed brows,
We gaze as peace and reasoning
tumble off the brittle and weathered cliffs of civility and understanding

Inevitably, the winds of change blow through
Locked and loaded and ready to move
Actions have consequences too
Now the pace quickens at 2
No need to warn or announce
With clenched fists
Just ready to pounce

Anger wins over
Negotiations are done, son
We have arrived to the 1
No more plotting, thinking, or talking,
As a punch moves through the air
And strikes the combatant
Squashing disgrace
Square on the face
Like Rocky Balboa,
Moving around, dodging, and bobbing and weaving
Floating like a butterfly
In a fog of remorse
And like a bee sting—stinging
In a boxing ring
With no crowd watching

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