Gangster In Paradise
written by: Paul Anthony Obey
The Mafia Don that coolest of cats,
Belies all of the murder and treachery,
Sharp suits, ties of silk, so dapper in spats,
A subculture demonstrated exemplary,
Keep on fighting for top dog, putting family first,
Red carpets like the superstars of old,
Smart talk, tough life being truly immersed,
Lying dead in the gutter now cold.
The author, Paul Anthony Obey, born in 1970, is working class, brought up in a working class family and has raised a working class family. Married to a proud New Zealander, Nicola, they live in the North West of England and share 4 children; Ryan, Hayley, Bethany and Seth, one of each from both.
Paul has worked within the Social Housing environment for all his adult life in one guise or another, but has recently decided to write full time to share a view and hopefully inspire reaction in others to take another look at life, beyond the confines of self, question the generally accepted truth and make the World a better place for everyone. One step at a time!
My work is dedicated to all of those who believe in what I am trying to do and to some of those who don’t yet get it.
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