Ignis Fatuus
written by: Priya Dolma Tamang
The air could not be as bounteously gravid with the sky climaxing into dawn, soggy with revelries the night made out. Church bells, they chime in the abyssal, tinkling hinterland and the prying breeze relays subliminal messages from imaginably where I belong. Maybe this density was freshness soaking in oblong whirlpools of achromatic breath; I puff out with every slender nicotinate beauty that burns alive for my grief. Another contemplation, another compensation. Inhaled imbroglio, exhaled clarity. Your pretty face reflects from the oval in my whiskey glass. I smile, you smile. Perhaps I am drunk, but at least I am alive. And as far as this inebriated mirage forces my memories into some semblance of order, déjà vu is the saviour of this zombie-wanderer.
- Ignis Fatuus - April 20, 2020
- Blush - January 24, 2020