Is it You or The Rain? poetry by Anuska Bag at
Kinga Cichewicz

Is it You or The Rain?

Is it You or The Rain?

written by: Anuska Bag


Rain hasn’t arrived yet,
lavender-tinged clouds haven’t covered my city yet
and the clock hasn’t struck seventeen
cups unfilled, pages unread
I don’t know what keeps me waiting
maybe it’s you, maybe it’s the rain
tiny saplings in mud vases dancing on my balcony
they too have been waiting,
waiting to be watered, by you or me or the rain-
I don’t know enough,
faint memories paint quite a picture of yours,
I laugh, it’s inadequately accurate and strange
I can’t remember the showers of May
but I write quite a few poems about the monsoons,
just like the plants, I stand at the window,
counting days like carbs and calories
How long must have been, a week? a month?
Two cups filled with tea, a plate full of chocolate cookies
Purple curtains, science fiction stories, DC comics,
I have been waiting for the rain perhaps,
An act of perpetual longing,
romanticizing, hurting, healing but waiting
The letters wish for a sooner arrival –
for you and the rain,
with love and regards,
I’ll be waiting for the things I love.

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