Luxury Bed by Ingela at

Luxury Bed

Luxury Bed

written by: Ingela(saja)



We had a busy day ahead, when your doctor promised you a “luxury bed”
A nurse came to learn the pace, the thirty pills a day you had made sweat run down her face
How could you manage day by day?  She asked in her stressed voice
I didn’t know the answer except: I had no choice!
They altered our sofa, they lifted our bed and threw in some pillows for your seat and your head
The toilet changed, the wheelchair fixed, the fridge was full of syringes and nutrition mixed.
Gymnastic balls, gymnastic bands, fixing thresholds, fixing all!
And yet that same night you called your final call.
After all you been through it just wasn’t right, I never seen a man put up with such a fight.
You were only 46 and I can’t help but thinking,
somewhere somehow something went wrong or God was heavily drinking

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