Meet me under the Bonnie Tree, poetry by Stephen Ferrett at
Simon Wilkes

Meet me under the Bonnie Tree

Meet me under the Bonnie Tree

written by: Stephen Ferrett


Meet me under the Bonnie Tree

Meet me under the scented bloom
Meet me under the frost-bitten branches
Meet me in dreams filled with hopes of reunion

Set aside all the questions, embrace the gifts of wisdom, and empathy for others, celestial and mortal gifts through pain, grief, hope, and awakening.

Tragedy may have found us, but won’t define us as kindred souls, reach out for each other and connect.

Human emotions laid bare, private, personal, beautifully heart-warming, and natural. Recognition of our vulnerability, celebration of inner strength.

Look skywards through entwined branches touching kindred aching souls.

Breathe deep the sweetest perfume of cherished memories
Reach out for the branches of strength that bind one another.

For you and I will join hands under the Bonnie Tree and dream reuniting with dearly departed souls, celebrating their immortal legacies until our mortal end of days.



This is a poem dedicated to SoBS (Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide), a UK charity set out to support all of those that have lost loved ones to suicide.

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