Morning Drunks, poetry by Leonard Ifeanyi Ugwu, Jr. at

Morning Drunks

Morning Drunks

written by: Leonard Ifeanyi Ugwu, Jr.



Every day I see Agbada on T.V. reverberating in our ears, wobbling our sight
About redemption brought from our ancestors
Enchanting concocted words from an ancient pot
Interpreting incantations from ancient Ancestors.

Are our ancestors no longer mute faded ghosts?
Do they have telephones in their tomb?

I watched their tomb ringle with cobwebs
No resurrection
Not like the Nazarene.

While the Agbada message rings like a bell on a hill every dawn morning.
Thousands of masses cluster with unknown paths to choose
Staggering like morning drunks,
With hearts thumping in the pot of Agbada
And lips singing praises to the Nazarene.

Swinging like pendulum

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