Sussurri del Quotidiano Maurizio Brancaleoni·January 5, 2025Sussurri del Quotidiano written by: Maurizio Brancaleoni sciolto il ghiaccio si forma un ostinato strato d’auto frost...InternationalItalianEnglishPoetry·1 min read
An Unexpected Gift Elizabeth Bowden-David·December 22, 2024An Unexpected Gift written by: Elizabeth Bowden-David - My brother Stuart, who has been our mother’s caregiver for five years...ChristmasEnglishLiterature·5 mins read
Christmastimes I Knew G. Rod Hamilton·December 13, 2024Christmastimes I Knew written by: G. Rod Hamilton @redwrangler The days of this year have come and...EnglishPoetryChristmas·1 min read
Sunrise Symphony Thompson Emate·December 12, 2024Sunrise Symphony written by: Thompson Emate @ThompsonEmate Symphony of the Sunrise, The beauty of its ascent, Nature...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Golden Cat Helmet Robyn MacKinnon·December 8, 2024Golden Cat Helmet written by: Robyn MacKinnon @art_rat golden cat helmet of the early morning sun RIP...Robyn Finds PoetryRobyn MacKinnonPoetryEnglish·1 min read
The Christmas Waltz Dawn Pisturino·December 3, 2024The Christmas Waltz written by: Dawn Pisturino Ghosts of Christmas Past Haunt my memories With silver bells...Haunted HolidaysEnglishPoetry·1 min read
Tattered Byrds Richard Korst·November 20, 2024Tattered Byrds written by: Richard Korst - On a crisp Sunday morning in May, I arose with a sense of anticipation...EnglishLiterature·4 mins read
After The Count Shae T·November 18, 2024After The Count written by: Shae T @shaetal As the birds awaken to a new dawn Headlines...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
The Mourning Walk Phyllis Schwartz·November 11, 2024The Mourning Walk written by: Phyllis Schwartz When we were walking this glorious morn I told my...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
A Shoreline Somewhere John Grey·November 5, 2024A Shoreline Somewhere written by: John Grey I’m strolling the sea-cliff edge as morning sun streaks through plump...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Choiring Promise Mike Turner·November 3, 2024Choiring Promise written by: Mike Turner @SchoonerSkipper Blues settle with the night Black velvet skies strewn with...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Malevolent Skies Tom Simons·October 30, 2024Malevolent Skies written by: Tom Simons I open my curtains to embrace dawn, and what do I...EnglishPoetryHalloween·1 min read
Złoty Ryngraf Nieba Katarzyna Dominik·October 6, 2024Złoty Ryngraf Nieba written by: Katarzyna Dominik Na skraju nocy, tuż przed świtu chwilą, kiedy na niebie...InternationalPoetryPolish·1 min read
Retrospecting the Retrospectives GiKa·October 5, 2024Retrospecting the Retrospectives written by: GiKa - Agile, sprints, retrospectives, backlogs…. jargon most Engineers use these days.EnglishLiterature·1 min read