Nonetheless, poetry written by Carl Jyoti Nair at



written by: Jyoti Nair


Am I an audacious albatross?
Deliberately grimacing the sweat drizzling peony,
Who tries to kiss my scorched palms…
My ribcage, a deserted shore, abraded by stinging yearnings?
During elliptical nights, my veins become fire-gargling albatrosses…
Strangulating conflagration that guzzle twilight-tapestry,
Amethyst feather-breaths massaging my eyelids…
Contemptible minutiae of my existence, that my windows swallow…
Insouciantly… prodded by blase breeze as forks!

Am I a Harlequin?
A polychromatic pyretic caricature…
Not merely my face, but my fingers and fantasies,
splotched with burnished blames!
A singed squirming Harlequin…
Whose tongue is often lacerated, often in exile…
Her cerebrum wakes up to a beguiling ceiling,
A wringing whirpool, unfurling rills of crimsoning stars…

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