Not Everything Your Mind Tells You is True..., poetry by Mark A.S. at

Not Everything Your Mind Tells You is True

Not Everything Your Mind Tells You is True…

written by: Mark A.S.



Shadows, dark shadows, they constantly cross our path
They create a deep crevice, separating our mind from our heart
It’s our shadow-self whispering to our deepest darkest fears
But that is all they are, shadows, that have failed to shed a tear
They say our mind creates a crevice which is often filled with pain
But our hearts can build the bridge and bring us home again

Take a majestic old Tree spanning across the centuries
Providing shelter, food and cover beneath her magnificent canopy
She fears not for what the morrow may or may not bring
She ponders not the pain from yesterday’s sorrow or sting
She allows life to continue around her without the need to engage
She is one with all, yet solitary, she knows the secrets of the age

The centuries old majestic Tree has no mind of the rise and fall of man
She pays no heed to the past or future, she simply does the best she can
This journey of life may at times seem long when we allow our fears take hold
But if we shine light into the crevice, we can see the lie our mind has told
They say a human life will often end, looking back over opportunities missed
So be brave, be bold, shine light on your fears and let opportunities be kissed

Who would you be, if you could live your life without being held back by angst
See that person, embrace yourself, jump into the water and off the riverbanks.

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