Our Childhood, poetry written by Dr. MOLLY JOSEPH at Spillwords.com

Our Childhood

Our Childhood

written by: Dr. MOLLY JOSEPH


In groups we wandered
streaming through
the paddy fields
that whispered secrets
and echoed our howls
and uproar…

the cuckoo was vehement
in her response,
when we imitated her call…

the cattle out to graze
fanned their flat ears
and watched us
rushing through…

our minds light like the blue sky
flowing smoothly like the
the clear waters of the brook…

breathing in and out
freshness, sucking the ripe mango,
crushing the raw guava…

There lay the slanting tamarind
Our swing on earth
We scrambled on it
one by one, smelling
the shady leaves,
plucking the sweet and sour…

With the wind caressing
brushing against our cheeks
we saw the world from heights
the world all green and clear
stretching far and near..

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