Over and Over Again, a poem by Amalia Tihon at Spillwords.com
Vasiliy Skuratov

Over and Over Again

Over and Over Again

written by: Amalia Tihon


When things turn dark
When time’s leaving its mark
Over and over again
I wonder – can I still go through this pain?

Every night I want to drown my sorrows
Forgotten in the distance, the memory of tomorrows.
Days that haven’t come yet, days that already passed,
Everything is blending, time’s passing so fast.

Cry with me today, let me be miserable
The scars that I have are no longer visible
But the pain that I carry is slowly dragging me down
Depression whispering, taunting, starting its countdown.

She knows I’ll be back, it’s always the same:
Poor little girl, flooded by shame.
Shame for the thoughts I have day after day,
Guilt for engaging in this foul play.

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