Partisan Box Step, poetry by Shelly Norris at

Partisan Box Step

Partisan Box Step

written by: Shelly Norris


We have so much room for improvement: One key problem is all politicians do is talk.
I call Washington city of the perishable: Good people don’t go into government.
I think we agree: We’ve not gotten credit. I think we agree: It’s a disgrace, such a disgrace.
We did not regress to failed policies of the past: I will end the special interest monopolies.
Truth has been withheld from the people: I apologize if I’m wrong; I’m never wrong.
I think we agree: We’ve not gotten credit. I think we agree: It’s a disgrace, such a disgrace.

We are fighting for the middle class: We need a tremendous, tremendous president.
Every aspect must be subjected to scrutiny: One with tremendous smarts, cunning, stamina.
We agree: If you don’t vote, you don’t count. We agree: I’m a bit of a P.T. Barnum.
Every aspect subjected to accountability: I think of myself as a tremendous underdog.
For the American Dream! For freedom: We will make America tremendously strong again!
We agree: If you don’t vote, you don’t count. We agree: I’m a bit of a P.T. Barnum.

Bipartisanship is nice and all: Make America proud again, safe again, great again!
But it can’t substitute for action: Do you mind if I step back? Because your breath . . .
Nothing in my world ever surprises me: . . . your breath is really, really, very, very bad.
Its absence prevents us moving forward: No dream too big, no challenge too great!
I only make appointments to bipartisan committees: No future beyond our reach!
Nothing in my world ever surprises me: . . . your breath is really, really, very, very bad.

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