Red Rose, a poem by Bhakta Bahadur Basnet at
Ergita Sela

Red Rose

Red Rose

written by: Bhakta Bahadur Basnet


Hey Red Rose!
Smile not at me
With your enticing color
Seduce me not
With your fragrance
For I acknowledge
The trap you lay
To stab in my back
With your sharp-edged petals
That hurt me
Gushing my blood out
That you exploit
To paint yourself red
And again
To add next episode
Of your autocracy
Fade you away
Let the prickles bloom
Red Rose, you decay
Let the thorns rule
Every dog has a day
Centre seldom holds
Devoid of circumference
Descend you hence
Let the thorns
Ascend your throne
Gone are your days
Gone is your aura
Change is inevitable
I do know
Beauty is to touch
Not to see!

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