Reflective Contemplation, poetry by Flash at
Oscar Nilsson

Reflective Contemplation

Reflective Contemplation

written by: Flash


I’ll be 66 come springtime
A long, strange trip indeed
An old school, trucking poet
From a young squirt, smoking weed
There’s been some lies about me told
I guess I told some too
But truth became my banner
And honor was its due
Had my share of Loves I’ve lost
But Love now has my back
I’ve been beat down, shot at, cut some,
Surviving each attack
I’ve walked a long and lonely road,
At times, you know that’s true
But someone always showed me hauners,
They helped me make it through.
My life’s clock keeps on ticking
Winding down to my last day
But I can’t see the end just yet
Don’t care to anyway.
Soon the road will fork once more
A new path I will choose.
This one too, will get my best
Acceptance, win or lose

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