Since We Found Each Other, written by Suwong at

Since We Found Each Other

Since We Found Each Other

written by: Suwong


Searching, seeking, looking
As my heart would break with pain
loneliness sucking the life from me
Crunched in fetus position
Drenched with tears as each hot tear
Ran down my cheeks

Praying in the middle of the night
Seeking the face of the Lord
To take away this longing
To remember me and come to my rescue
Rescue me o Lord, I prayed, give me a man
One that will love me truly and with no reservations

Lord, my husband, you have taken away
Where do I begin to look? I am simple and don’t like drama
The clubs and social places are not for me
I would never give myself to any man, except my own
Where do I find my own, one that is like me
Who can make me laugh so hard

Ahh! Then you came along SMW, and I SNW
You filled my eyes with tears, not of sadness but laughter
So alike did I find you. Could this be true?
Joy, happiness and gladness, so filled my heart
At the thought of you, my heart would leap in joy

We are seas apart, continents separate us,
I long to be in your arms my love, I long for that day
When two hearts become one, as your body touches mine
With fire and passion so filled with longing, hunger

Tell me, are you here to stay? Are you the answer to my prayers?
Will you ever leave me? Can you assure me that you will
Always be there for me? Do you long for me as much as I long for you?

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