Spotlight On Writers - Cindy Georgakas, interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Cindy Georgakas

Spotlight On Writers

Cindy Georgakas


  1. Where, do you hail from?
I was born in San Francisco, California and raised in Daly City, “Top of the Hill” as they said on the radio station where the sun NEVER shinned and the fog blanketed us. On the plus side, I married my high school sweetheart and we moved 40 minutes south to Woodside to “let the sunshine in”. We raised our four amazing children here and too many animals to mention.
  1. What is the greatest thing about the place you call home?

Our community is incredible and from all walks of life. We are surrounded by mountains but can see the bay at the same time. We love walking with our dog on trails behind our house or strolling to the store or dinner and sitting outside to eat. It’s easy access if we want to get to the city and more importantly, within 20 minutes of visiting our parents 86-96. We are lucky that two of our four children are in the area as well.

  1. What turns you on creatively?

Solitude and nature are my biggest sources of inspiration. I love people, travel but mostly hanging at home in my garden. Yoga, meditation, dancing, Tai Qui and meaningful conversations gets my creative juices flowing as well as music, crafts, theater and music. You’ll find me tapping on the keyboard writing or blogging to my friends at times I should be otherwise sleeping or singing in my new bathtub.

  1. What is your favorite word, and can you use it in a poetic sentence?

If you ask my husband and kids they will say: Blog, Never Mind, Seriously, or, Carry on, but I would have to say Embrace. Embrace is one of my favorites because we have to embrace all aspects of ourselves to truly love ourselves and Love is ultimately what we are here to do.

“Embracing all aspects of yourself is truly the highest form of Love for yourself and others”.

  1. What is your pet peeve?

Leaving the toilet seat up, eating your entire meal before I get to the table, picking your nose at the table or in my car, being a know-it-all, asking me a question and walking away before I answer, interrupting what I am saying, hearing I told you so, flies in my house, my cat scratching the furniture to get my attention, turning the lights out when I’m still in the room, breaking something and not telling me.

  1. What defines Cindy Georgakas?

Listening to my heart and messages. Doing what I say I will do and stretching myself to be the best version of myself. Putting 100 percent into what I’m doing and not settling for less from myself or others. Having gratitude, reflecting, learning from my mistakes and continuing to persevere towards what matters most, which is connection with the divinity and God. Pleasing myself as much as I do others and let that be ok. I can only be in one place at one time so be where I am. Doing things and being with people who add to my essence, not take from it.

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This publication is part 318 of 434 in the series Spotlight On Writers