Spotlight On Writers - Mark Patterson, interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Mark Patterson

Spotlight On Writers

Mark Patterson


  1. Where do you originate from?

I entered this world during a blizzard in the town of St. Helens in the county of Lancashire, England. St. Helens at that time, was a dirty little town situated between Liverpool and Manchester. My parents, especially my mother, enjoyed reading and my sister and I were enrolled at the local library at an early age. I didn’t much care for reading until I was in my teens and my books frequently got returned half read.
At the age of ten, we relocated to just outside Edinburgh and at the local school I had to get used to the accent of classmates and teachers. Back then Sassenachs were not treated as equals and to fit in I adopted their accent so much so that my mother couldn’t understand me. The school though had a high standard of English and the three paragraph essay had to be written in class on a Monday afternoon. This probably started me enjoying telling stories, being creative and from that grew a love of reading. I started high school at Daniel Stewarts college in Edinburgh where the pressures to perform saw classes graded based on each individual’s performance. It was a fabulous school with pupils encouraged to express themselves and the English essay was once again top of mind each week.
We then moved to Johannesburg, my current home and I completed my schooling here.

  1. What do you cherish most about the place you call home?

Johannesburg is the largest city in South Africa and the economic hub of the country. It is a sprawling city and not flat as many people imagine it would be. It is also the largest man made forest in the world with trees prominent in all the suburbs. It is a cosmopolitan city with a wide selection of cuisines to enjoy.
The city provides me with a lot of inspiration from its residents to events that happen here. It is the vibrancy of the place that I cherish the most.

  1. What ignites your creativity?

Almost anything can spark my creativity. My wife and I can sit for hours in a restaurant, people watching and commenting on odd clothing or mannerisms. People provide most subjects for my creativity and writing.

  1. Do you have a favorite word and could you incorporate it into a poetic phrase?

A favourite word. I have many but medieval comes to mind and as I enjoy writing haikus:

Medieval word
I used to spell it so wrong
That got me trouble

  1. What is your pet peeve?

My pet peeve would be that I have the worst handwriting in the world. My fault I suppose for not practising enough at school. I am sure in exams it cost me a few marks. Sorry to all the teachers who had to try and decipher it.

  1. How would you describe the essence of Mark Patterson?

I am a quiet person by nature even introverted although I was a salesperson and they are usually viewed as extroverts. I enjoy observing people and the world around and reflecting on what I have seen. I want my writing to reflect that and enable people to see the world through my eyes.

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