Spotlight On Writers - Gail Constable, interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Gail Constable

Spotlight On Writers

Gail Constable


  1. Where do you originate from?

I was born in New Brunswick, Canada.

  1. What do you cherish most about the place you call home?

Most of my life I have lived on Cape Breton Island, world renowned for its natural beauty. I love its friendly people and being surrounded by the ocean. It is a peaceful place to feed my soul.

  1. What ignites your creativity?

Emotion. I have always said I do not write as much as am a scribe for my Muse. A word, a phrase, an image but most of all a feeling sparks a poem.

  1. Do you have a favorite word and could you incorporate it into a poetic phrase?

This is a difficult question as, to me, words are strokes that paint images and my poetry is the resulting canvas. However, the word crucible comes to mind as a favourite as it is rarely used in modern speech.

From a recent piece, “We tossed our rings into crucibles to reshape their bond,” would be an example.

  1. What is your pet peeve?

With regards to poetry? My pet peeve would be those who insist on trying to fit poetry into a single format, discounting any piece that does not follow set rules.

  1. How would you describe the essence of Gail Constable?

Basically, I am a minimalist in life but an overflowing river of words in writing. Peace is my goal, perhaps my essence, or so I hope.

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This publication is part 410 of 439 in the series Spotlight On Writers