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Spotlight On Writers – Nesbit and Gibley

Spotlight On Writers

Nesbit and Gibley


For those who know Nesbit and Gibley and those who have just met, this is the first time I have revealed the writer behind the two old men. My name is Harry Thurston, I’m 26 years old, and there’s more about me below!


  1. Where, do you hail from?

I was born and raised in Bristol, UK. I lived in Swansea for three years during university, a city which I very much came to love. Dylan Thomas, famously born in Swansea, once said it’s an “ugly, lovely town” and I think that’s spot on; whilst I adore Swansea, it’ll remain in that part of my life. Since, I’ve moved back to Bristol. I’ve lived in a few different parts and it’s all equally been a pleasure. I call it home.

  1. What is the greatest thing about the place you call home?

The best thing about Bristol is that it’s a hugely creative city. From what I’ve experienced, and what I’ve only ever experienced, it’s very liberal here. There’s a lot of free thinkers, bold expressionists, and many budding artists. You can’t turn a corner without seeing a spoken word night or a fresh band at a gig, nor can you turn down any road and not meet beautiful graffiti, architecture, and preserved history. There’s a huge range of culture here, too. People from all over the world come to live in Bristol and together have made it a very accepting and welcoming place to live. The city is garnished by the Clifton Suspension Bridge (only five minutes from my flat!) and it’s truly majestic. This, and a lot more, is massively inspiring, and makes Bristol a great city.

  1. What turns you on creatively?

Reading! I can only write once I’ve found the time to read. I love the Romantics, the Modernists, the Beat generation, all of it! I’m a huge fan of theatre, too, in particular Samuel Beckett and his absurdity. The characters Vladimir and Estragon in Waiting For Godot were a strong springboard for the Nesbit and Gibley image.

  1. What is your favorite word, and can you use it in a poetic sentence?

My favourite word frequently changes because my situation changes, and it depends, as well, on what I’m reading. At the moment, one of my favourite words is ‘calamity’, of which I have used in my poem Our Domain – featured here on Spillwords. Recently, the word ‘heavy’ has found its way into my vocabulary. I’ll admit it’s quite a boring word, but I love how the syllables represent a dropped weight of some sort, with the soft, voiceless ‘h’ beginning and the harsh, fricative syllable that falls after. Here’s a go at wielding it:

To the giants before me,
I’ve felt your heavy weight
carried on breeze and history.
If I amount to shaking your hand,
I’ll truly know the weight you carry,
the joy, the grief of gravity
upon the body.

  1. What is your pet peeve?

As much as I try to adapt, I can only read comfortably in silence, which doesn’t help living in the heart of a city! When there’s the pounding of construction, or the anthem of traffic, I have to find a quiet cove to enjoy a book, which isn’t always possible.

  1. What defines Nesbit and Gibley? 

I don’t think I have quite the perspective to say! I’m sure some sort of definition will change drastically for those who knew me before as two old men and now as a 26 year old chap. In terms of writing, the poetry I publish is quite varied in style and theme, so I can’t quite express a cemented identity. However, my soon to be published book, a collection of original poetry, will perhaps give a more refined definition.

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This publication is part 33 of 436 in the series Spotlight On Writers