Spotlight On Writers - Pauline Milner, interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Pauline Milner

Spotlight On Writers

Pauline Milner



  1. Where do you originate from?
I lived the first seven years of my life surrounded by suburbia in Toronto but then moved to rural New Brunswick, Canada. I admit I was homesick for the city but as the trees grew up around me, I found there is much more to do in the country. Those were the days when you couldn’t wait to go outside and pleaded for a few more minutes when it was time to go in. It turns out building a treehouse with the neighborhood kids trumps throwing a ball around the green-belt with cars whizzing by on the busy street beyond the dedicated green space.
  1. What do you cherish most about the place you call home?

People. Animals. Peace. Starry nights. Living in a farmhouse among five farm properties just outside Sussex, New Brunswick was the perfect move for us after our kids were grown and making their own way in the world. Though my husband and I are not farmers, we help with chores for fun and a little exercise. Aside from the cows, sheep, lambs and hens, there is also agriculture in this farming community. In each direction you look, there is a rainbow of green crops that go on for miles. When my mental health needs a boost, cuddling a baby lamb in the spring or snuggling a hen is the perfect pick-me-up. My husband and our dog, Casey, make our home complete – close to nature and away from the smog, noise and light pollution of the city.

  1. What ignites your creativity?

I don’t know exactly where most of my ideas, ‘sparks’ as I call them, originate from but they are certainly in abundance. I have an entire box full of writing ideas that run the gamut from micro short stories to full length novels to screenplays. I primarily write everything in my head before I let my fingers glide across my keyboard, which does lead to some late nights laying in bed and working on a project rather than sleeping. One thing about my creativity is that it is nearly impossible to turn it off, but that has led to some pieces of writing of which I am very proud.

  1. Do you have a favorite word and could you incorporate it into a poetic phrase?

Methinks is a word I like to use in posts and, occasionally, in my writing if the project suits. Poetry is not my forte, but never one to shy away from a challenge, I will give it a try.

Expects people to comment, but
This favorite word of mine
However archaic
Is actually fun
Not grammatically incorrect
Knot is not used every day but is okay
So why should my word bring frowns?

  1. What is your pet peeve?

This one is easy and it goes back to Mr. Trafford’s Grade 10 English class. On the first day of school, he imparted us students with two of his pet peeves: First, having a passing grade of fifty percent was ridiculous. If we were only learning half of what we were being taught, we were wasting our time and his. That was fair. Second, if you start a sentence with ‘the’ then you are not putting enough energy into your work. That pet peeve has rung in my head for 38 years and I will spend an inordinate amount of time to avoid starting a sentence with the word ‘the’. Of course, when I am quoting someone or writing dialogue, starting a sentence with ‘the’ is sometimes my only choice. I cannot change quotes and I have tried writing dialogue without starting any line with ‘the’ but it does not flow and thus ‘the’ has become a necessary pet peeve I sometimes have to live with.

  1. How would you describe the essence of Pauline Milner?

Combining nature – the way my DNA is structured and nurture – my exceptional upbringing – has created a person who loves life and tries to give back to the world. I try to find goodness in any situation, even when it seems impossible. When I had to leave a full time career that I loved due to a disability that developed, it didn’t mean I could no longer work, it simply meant I had to work differently and the writer in me was truly born. I have always loved people because everyone is interesting. I am kind whenever possible, silent when the situation warrants, am told that I laugh with my eyes, give advice when asked and sometimes love and care too much. It should be obvious when you give love when it is not deserved and try to help when it is not appreciated, it is bound to lead to tears and hurt feelings – and not for the recipient. I am still learning that loving and caring are emotions that are occasionally not accepted in the spirit in which they are given. I keep my promises and I am definitely not guilty of the inactive kindness described so well by Steinbeck.

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This publication is part 394 of 443 in the series Spotlight On Writers