…On Poetry and Fiction Just “One Word” Away (“Politics”) Featured PostPoetryEnglishPhyllis P. ColucciOn Poetry and Fiction
2020 A Paradox of Americana James Howard·July 4, 20232020 A Paradox of Americana written by: James Howard 2020 a paradox of Americana–It was a strange...LiteratureEnglish·1 min read
The Message of The Liberty Bell Spillwords·July 2, 2023The Message of The Liberty Bell a poem by: Mrs. Elvira Robinson Around the congress with closed...Literary GreatsPoetryEnglish·1 min read
Still No Guava Erica Lin·June 29, 2023Still No Guava written by: Erica Lin Home is a spunky house painted slate gray, a cute...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·10 mins read
Reader’s Digest Victoria Mascord·June 25, 2023Reader’s Digest written by: Victoria Mascord I had never been to America before. When I first told...LiteratureEnglish·3 mins read
Open Mike Susan N Aassahde·June 12, 2023Open Mike written by: Susan N Aassahde @poetry_curfew dusk vacation – the sovereign of a quivering weep...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Life Revisited Joseph Amendolare·May 28, 2023Life Revisited written by: Joseph Amendolare Coffee from Wawa, two packs of Marlboros and 83.50 in my...LiteratureEnglish·4 mins read
The Irish Letter Steve Darnell·March 17, 2023The Irish Letter written by: Steve Darnell The tattered letter would soon be delivered by William Kinney,...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·25 mins read
Why Bye Color C.R. Daugherty·October 14, 2022Why Bye Color written by: C.R. Daugherty Why fret over a hue of man, or stress half-cocked...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
A New World Albert Russo·August 23, 2022A New World written by: Albert Russo @AlbertRusso1 Something snaps inside of me, all sensations suddenly get...LiteratureFeatured PostEnglish·14 mins read
Welcome to America Sue Marie St. Lee·August 3, 2022Welcome to America written by: Sue Marie St. Lee Her eyes met mine with fear, It recognized...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
America Spillwords·July 3, 2022America a poem by Claude McKay Although she feeds me bread of bitterness, And sinks into my...EnglishPoetryLiterary Greats·1 min read
Clementine Calamity, Towntamer Rand Hill·March 1, 2021Clementine Calamity, Towntamer written by: Rand Hill Once upon a time in America’s Wild West, there was...LiteratureEnglish·13 mins read
Thoughts of Thanksgiving Spillwords·November 22, 2020Thoughts of Thanksgiving a poem by Charles Frederick White Thanksgiving day is coming soon, That long remembered...PoetryLiterary GreatsEnglish·1 min read
America Is Dying Peggy Gerber·October 15, 2020America Is Dying written by: Peggy Gerber America is burning from sea to shining sea. The ocean...PoetryEnglish·1 min read