Tapes Doug Hawley·March 14, 2021Tapes written by: Doug Hawley @dougiamm Tape from October 1, 2014 Just fell over the threshold. Retch. ...LiteratureEnglish·11 mins read
Anatomy and Blind Dating A.L. Paradiso·November 24, 2020Anatomy and Blind Dating written by: A.L. Paradiso While sitting at the upscale bar in a fine...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·9 mins read
A Horrible Misadventure Andrew Scobie·April 18, 2020A Horrible Misadventure written by: Andrew Scobie Carla had arranged yet another blind date. Nervously she brushed at...EnglishFeatured PostLiterature·8 mins read
His Arms Around Her Tightened Terry Brewer·October 14, 2019His Arms Around Her Tightened written by: Terry Brewer @Stories2121 It isn’t about the money. There isn’t...EnglishLiterature·4 mins read
First Date Catherine McCabe·March 18, 2019First Date written by: Catherine McCabe Excitement holds me neatly folded in tentacles of bliss and until...EnglishPoetry·1 min read