Deep Down John Drudge·March 4, 2024Deep Down written by: John Drudge A cataclysmic eruption Along the refractions Of a distant equinox A...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Two Black Cats Tamara Lindsay·September 7, 2023Two Black Cats written by: Tamara Lindsay It starts when I ask my Russian house painter not...EnglishLiterature·2 mins read
MINUTES Anahit Arustamyan·July 10, 2020MINUTES written by: Anahit Arustamyan @anonarnune20141 Minutes dance me, you, and someone else. A red dress made...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Attention Gabriela M·December 26, 2019Attention written by: Gabriela M @shortprose1 I resurrected him. It was a mischievous act meant to attract...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Window Carl Scharwath·June 8, 2019Window written by: Carl Scharwath As the morning erases the stars Upon ghost landscapes bleak, standing sentinel...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
What I Build Heath Brougher·May 21, 2019What I Build written by: Heath Brougher I build Universe Factories for the sake of building Universe Factories...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Once Known SMiles·March 31, 2019Once Known written by: SMiles @stephenmiles2 The magnitude of chaos depth by which the earth shudders the...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Nor I Eoghan Lyng·March 27, 2019Nor I written by: Eoghan Lyng @eoghanlyng The velvet greys approaching, On a skin tight shot they...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
LIFE’S REPLY Anahit Arustamyan·February 12, 2019LIFE’S REPLY written by: Anahit Arustamyan @anonarnune20141 The spirit is a script that lies between the lines....EnglishPoetry·1 min read
El Amor Y El Odio Navegan En Lo Infinito Jose A Gomez·October 14, 2018El Amor Y El Odio Navegan En Lo Infinito written by: José A Gómez En el punto...Jose A GomezSpanishEditorial·1 min read
Configuración De Una Idea Jose A Gomez·September 9, 2018Configuración De Una Idea written by: José A Gómez Que difícil a sido la configuración de esa...ArticleJose A GomezSpanishFeatured Post·1 min read
La Gota Jose A Gomez·June 12, 2018La Gota written by: José A Gómez Como la gota en la piedra, que diseñando hace un...Featured PostPoetryJose A GomezSpanish·1 min read
Labyrinth Eliza Segiet·May 15, 2018Labyrinth written by: Eliza Segiet translated by: Artur Komoter In the vortex of dance, wandering in the...EnglishInternationalFeatured PostPoetryPolish·1 min read