Klucz Do Ukrytych Drzwi
Klucz Do Ukrytych Drzwi written by: Marian Dziwisz - Przez ponad sześćdziesiąt lat, stawał przed tymi drzwiami i nie znał sposobu...
Drunken Sailor
AUTHOR OF THE PROMPT: Fallen Engel @BlackEngel3 THE PROMPT: Pirates.. Arggg… Walk the plank ! Drunken...
Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Very Big Wall
AUTHOR OF THE PROMPT: Geovanni Villafañe @RezZureKtedPoeT THE PROMPT: Begin and end your poem with the phrase...
Immaculate Within
AUTHOR OF THE PROMPT: Cristina Munoz @cristinamunoz8 THE PROMPT: Write a poem about Madonna. Not the Virgin...
Heir Apparent
AUTHOR OF THE PROMPT: J Marzec @AOE_Photography THE PROMPT: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump decide to join...
How To Get Ahead In Criticizing
AUTHOR OF THE PROMPT: Daniel S. Liuzzi @DanielSLiuzzi THE PROMPT: A three-headed movie critic, two of the heads...