Waiting For Santa, a poem by Andy Eycott at Spillwords.com
Mitya Ivanov

Waiting For Santa

Waiting For Santa

written by: Andy Eycott


The best part of Christmas
wasn’t singing in the choir
learning traditional songs
for the end of term production

The best part of Christmas
wasn’t the time off from school
those precious few weeks
to be and to be free

The best part of Christmas
wasn’t trawling the TV guides
circling programmes
needed to be seen

The best part of Christmas
wasn’t making paperchains
and decorating the tree
with angels and stars

The best part of Christmas
wasn’t the festive songs
played over and over on the radio,
racing to be Christmas number one

The best part of Christmas
wasn’t in writing, rewriting
endless lists to Santa,
but it was close

The best part of Christmas
was waiting for Santa
on Christmas eve
listening out for sleigh bells

The best part of Christmas
was the giddy excitement,
the expectation and hope
of a wish being granted

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