written by: Verona Jones
On moonlit beams,
like silver streams.
Sighing Whispers
ride yon Zephyrs.
Soft wondrous dreams
float down life’s streams.
Of sweet kisses
on lips teases.
Hints of heaven
in prose written,
how love should be
down and earthy.
My spirit cries
with heartfelt sighs,
set my heart free
I plead…love me.
VL Jones is a paranormal enthusiast who loves to write horror stories. She is obsessed with anything scary and writes about her experiences at haunted sites. VL Jones also writes articles and stories blended with cryptids and urban legends. Her work has been published in The Haunted Zone: A Horror Anthology by Women Military Veterans by Tundra Swan Publishing. A - Z of Horror: T is for Tarot by Red Cape Publishing, Elements Of Horror: Fire by Red Cape Publishing, and Twisted Nightmares by Michael Bradley. She received her MFA in Creative Writing and MA in English from Southern New Hampshire University and is a long-time member of the Horror Writer's Association (HWA). She lives with her four furry helpers in Tucson, Arizona.
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