Birth Dance
written by: SR Inciardi
The potency comes to remain—
for a time,
permeating the deep grass reaching
skyward, unabated, inhaling air,
sipping cool crystal water, flooded
by a need to sustain life’s breath
as it surges effortlessly,
when all of life’s promises hang in the balance
as if the path taken holds choices
like dog-eared pages offer words
only certain eyes recognize.
But what if there are days that drain the dance,
stricken the eyes, deepen the dark patches under them,
those set on a course that come
despite wailing or cooing, despite promise
and the sustenance of what’s to be and cannot match
its beauty again, to then leave what was abandoned
adrift in breezes that turn colder
when the wind suddenly changes course,
the way the depth of fallen snow blown by it
can only be known in new daylight,
the way impulse is not permanence and what thrives
comes to be impervious to what surrounds it,
the way the birth dance ages, flattens out,
moves on.
- Wind Chimes - January 1, 2025
- Spotlight On Writers – SR Inciardi - September 28, 2024
- Thoughts - August 22, 2024