written by: Dilip Mohapatra
We all mount our horses
saddled and bridled
painted in colours that
match the steed with our creed
and wobble up and down
on the merry go round
trying to outsmart one another
and win a race
that perhaps can never be won
for we are not sure
if the one following us is in the rear
or ahead of us by almost one lap
and then we dig our heels
under the hard bellies that
have no sensation to our spurs
and the unending chase
goes on and on.
The sun rises
crosses the meridian to
go down the horizon
to rise once again
and as it slowly swings
on the ecliptic
sometimes making us sweat
and sometimes shiver
we continue on our spin
with our firm faiths
with our blind beliefs
never realising that
we are just like soap bubbles
with rainbows tattooed
on our skins
in our few moments of glory
till we burst into nothingness
and someone else
claims our stallion.
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