My Muse Dendra D.M.·April 13, 2016My muse tanka poem by: Dendra D.M. @Dendra_dm To be placed in words Longing eyes would ask...Tanka CollectionPoetryEnglishDendra D.M.·1 min read
Tides of Life Dendra D.M.·April 6, 2016Tides of life tanka poem by: Dendra D.M. @Dendra_dm Where would the fun be If I had...Dendra D.M.Tanka CollectionPoetryEnglish·1 min read
Velvet Danger Dendra D.M.·April 5, 2016Velvet danger tanka poem by: Dendra D.M. @Dendra_dm Signpost said danger It was only natural For such...Tanka CollectionPoetryEnglishDendra D.M.·1 min read
A Gargoyle Dendra D.M.·April 4, 2016A gargoyle tanka poem by: Dendra D.M. @Dendra_dm Whenever it rained I cried till my voice was...Tanka CollectionPoetryEnglishDendra D.M.·1 min read
Walk the Walk Dendra D.M.·April 3, 2016Walk the walk tanka poem by: Dendra D.M. @Dendra_dm All the heartfelt words They’d be hanging in...EnglishDendra D.M.Tanka CollectionPoetry·1 min read
Taurus Dendra D.M.·April 2, 2016Taurus tanka poem by: Dendra D.M. @Dendra_dm Such a lazy beast Even if lightning struck me I...Dendra D.M.Tanka CollectionPoetryEnglish·1 min read
Impossible yet Easy Dendra D.M.·April 1, 2016Impossible yet easy tanka poem by: Dendra D.M. @Dendra_dm She was a puzzle With such high expectations...PoetryEnglishDendra D.M.Tanka Collection·1 min read
Undeniable Dendra D.M.·March 31, 2016Undeniable tanka poem by: Dendra D.M. @Dendra_dm Gently like the mist Inching closer to my heart Magical...EnglishDendra D.M.Tanka CollectionPoetry·1 min read
When Minds Dance Dendra D.M.·March 30, 2016When minds dance tanka poem by: Dendra D.M. @Dendra_dm Both straight to the point Like a dance...PoetryEnglishDendra D.M.Tanka Collection·1 min read