Door To The Heart, a haiku by Robyn MacKinnon at

Door To The Heart

Door to the Heart

written by: Robyn MacKinnon



the door to the heart

Who wants to live forever?

Pretty sure I am



Illustration description: A gestural image of a door framed by a heart, sitting at the edge of an upwardly curved horizon. The door appears in bright, psychedelic colours, as do the heart and curved ground below. Line art shapes, like symbols or writing, emanate from the heart and decorate the surface of the door and the ground. The background is made up of strokes of black, with colour peeking through, more lines of a symbolic nature faintly visible in a more reflective black. The words of the haiku are written in scratchy hand-printing at the bottom center of the image. Created in pen and marker on paper.

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This publication is part 294 of 392 in the series Robyn Finds Poetry