It Paid a Visit, poetry by Mark Wilson at
Roses Street

It Paid a Visit

It Paid a Visit

written by: Mark Wilson


It’s paid another visit to me today
And it doesn’t look like it’s going to go away
It comes marching in like a soldier on patrol
It’s making out like it’s in full control
Who is this monster whose causing this anguish?
We know and wish it would quickly vanish
It’s depression that’s knocked at my door
I know it because it’s visited lots of times before
This time it’s here in full demand
Oh yes I do understand
It’s come this time with guns blazing
Its anger is raising
It never plans its visits in advance
It doesn’t give me a chance
It just plays with my mind
It knows what thoughts to find
Turning happy thought sad
They are the saddest thoughts I’ve had
I hope it stops giving my mind pain
Then I can be happy again

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