My Choice To Be Grateful by Shawntelle Moncy at

My Choice To Be Grateful

My Choice To Be Grateful

written by: Shawntelle Moncy



A long time ago, I had seen a documentary called, The Secret. This documentary spoke about the law of attraction and the power of the mind. The main thing to take away from this, is that you attract what karma brings to you with your thoughts and emotions.

When I had seen this, I may have changed my point of view for a day or two and then kind of forgot about it and moved on. But recently, I stumbled upon this again and decided to watch and see if I understood it differently now.

Maybe it’s my state-of-mind that has changed, but I soaked every bit of the information this teaching had to tell me and was still curious to know more afterward.

The next day, I found myself at Barnes and Noble searching through the self-transformation section. I kid you not, about half of this section was filled with books about positive thinking and its true power. I read a few, but the general idea is all the same.

I began learning more, I began meditating more and I started applying what I had learned to my everyday life; and more and more, I begin to see the world around me differently.

You see, we think too negatively upon anything at all possible we can think negatively upon. Whether it’s about ourselves, others or any situation thrown our way.

We seem to spend more time and more energy noticing and complaining about all the bad things that we forget about anything positive.

I don’t mean to sound too cliché, but it really is true… we have so many things to be happy grateful for. Whether it’s the cup of coffee in your hands, that you have clothes in your closet, food in your fridge, love in your life, the list is truly endless.

To someone that has none of these things, just a simple cup of coffee to them fills their heart and makes their day.

We don’t seem to think about these things often, we’d rather think about the fact that we woke up late, stubbed your toe or that your favorite shirt wasn’t washed.

I wholeheartedly believe that the universe has its way of eventually giving you what you wish, that may seem too easy, but really what many of us are portraying is negative energy, and that is exactly what you will receive if that’s the case, because that’s all you see.

Because someone is a very happy person, it doesn’t mean they don’t share the same struggles that you do, or even more. It’s simply because they choose to be. They woke up late and they are happy for the leftover pancakes in their fridge.

Every one of us have the powerful decision as to if we’re going to have a good day or not, we have the decision as to how we are going to respond to the things that get thrown upon us during the day.

Recently, I have found myself unhappy with the routine of my life and the need for something new. I blamed it on my lack of money, I blamed it on my job; I did everything besides take responsibility for it myself. By trying to radiate and attract positive energy, I figured that I had nothing to lose.

The first day was a struggle, I was doing everything that I thought I was supposed to do, I was writing down the things I was grateful for, saying them in my head and trying to keep a smile on my face all day at work.

But really, I was doing it all wrong, that day I felt as if so many things didn’t go my way, my computer wasn’t working, I got a sore on my foot, hit my head, dealt with rude customers at work, forgot my phone. I thought the universe was challenging my faith… but the universe is not out to get me. I didn’t realize that really my thoughts were negative, they were focused on what had already gone wrong.

That night, I meditated, I reevaluated why I was choosing to do this and motivated myself to get up and do it all over again.

The next day, the everyday things that were routine at my work place seemed to change. I wanted to really speak to every person I dealt with, I wanted to make sure they were having a good day and ask them how their holidays are going. Of course, I had the intention of doing so, but I found real joy by talking to these people, because my mind-set had shifted on something other than my misery.

There was a lady I was speaking with, starting conversation about how my eyes were dry because I hadn’t bought new solution in a week or so. Ten minutes later, this woman comes up to the registers and hands me a brand-new bottle of contact solution.

I don’t think that she really understood the impact that had on me. Customers giving me anything had never happened in the 2 1\2 years I’ve worked there, I do not believe it is a coincidence, I believe I attracted that positive energy.

The rest of that week was a better week than I have had in months, all because of my mind-set and how I am choosing to think and react to life. I am still in the process of this, but I want this to be implemented throughout the rest of my life.

Every morning, I am weirdly excited for the challenges I will face and how I can respond to them. With every challenge, I grow a little bit more.

I have many challenges in my life right now, I do have things that inevitably are not going my way, but I choose to think of the things that are. I believe that if I am grateful for what I already have, that the things I need will come my way.

I used to have a blog of which I called, My Journey to Happiness, this blog never made sense to me, I never knew what I was going to write about next, never new exactly where it was going or what my motivation was. The truth is, I was lost, I was looking for happiness at an unhappy time in my life and I was frustrated with not finding it. Now that I have thought only about the things that I am happy about, it’s fascinating to know that it was in my own power all along.

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