New Waves on an Old Shore, poetry by Gerry Stefanson at
Kumiko Hawkes - Shizen Photography (Gabriola Island)

New Waves on an Old Shore


New Waves on an Old Shore

written by: Gerry Stefanson



The shore changes slowly,
each wave is new.
Each wave can deliver
a massive change to all
or just to a few,

For just about ever
a millennium to never ever
someone or something
lashed together
a log or two,
oar just grabbed on.
Then before you could
ever think of a sail
making one, never mind using one.
How ‘out board’ of an idea could that be.

They’re off discovering, exploring
maybe just avoiding a
cranky volcano or neighbour,
then again the shear adventure
of breaking the norm.



Passages series photography by Kumiko Hawkes – Shizen Photography

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This publication is part 5 of 13 in the series Passages