Passengers On A Train, poetry by JOHN BAVERSTOCK at
Marcus Castro

Passengers On A Train

Passengers On A Train



We are all passengers,
Travelling on the train,
A train that takes us,
Through the journey of life,
A one-way ticket, through a short passage of time,
The train will pull in at every station,
So, more carriages can be added,
To the back of the train,
New arrivals will take their seats,
As their journey now begins,
Whilst at the front of the train
Carriages are removed,
For the passengers in these carriages,
Their journey has now come to an end,
It is now their time to leave the train,
Looking all around them, they then see an exit sign,
Which is pointing towards a dark tunnel,
Unsure of walking through this huge chamber,
They are met at the entrance by beautiful angels,
Do not be afraid, take my hand, walk with me,
For you, a new journey is just beginning,
I will accompany you through the tunnel,
Once we get to the other side,
There I will leave you,
You will see a mist and a bright shining light,
Here your journey will start again,
Follow this light, stay on the path,
As it will lead you to the golden gates,
As you walk through the gates,
You will enter paradise…
You will see a wonderful garden in front of you,
A garden surrounded by love and beauty…
Full of fragrance, full of colour, full of warmth…
The garden of eternal life…
Tis here where your spirit will live for evermore.

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