Poor Dog, children's poetry by Nina Taylor at Spillwords.com

Poor Dog

Poor Dog

written by: Nina Taylor


“Quick” said the cat as he ran in the house.
“Dog’s hurt his leg. He’s outside with mouse.”
“Oh Goodness. Oh Dear” the old lady said
And slipped on her shoes and outside she sped.
There sat dog, looking sad and forlorn
“I hope it’s not fractured, or broken or torn.
Come dog I’ll help you to hobble inside
And phone the vet- so don’t go and hide!!
He’ll look at your leg and make it all good
So you can play again outside in the wood.”
She opened the van all shiny and red
With a big old cushion for a nice soft bed.
Old lady and dog settled in for the ride
While cat watched them go with mouse at his side.
Off into town at a steady pace
Soon they arrived at the vet’s place.
“Well,” said the vet. “What have we here?”
As he bent and stroked dog’s floppy ear.
“He was jumping about and all around
Then slipped and landed bang on the ground.”
With gentle kind hands vet lifted dog’s leg
And saw a big bump the size of an egg.
“It’s nothing too bad. It’s only a sprain
With a few days’ rest it’ll be right as rain.
We’ll bandage it up nice an’ tight
You must have had such a fright!”
“Whew” thought the dog as he lifted his paw.
“Only a sprain but it’s ever so sore.”
“Come back again in a day or two
And I’ll check it’s all good as new”
“Thank you so much” the old lady said
And ruffled the fur on poor dog’s head.
“Come on, dog, let’s get on home.
It’s rest for you, not outside to roam.”
The mouse and the cat were sat by the gate
Where they had chosen to patiently wait.
When the van came in sight they shouted “Hooray.
Dog’s back again so we can go out and play.”
Dog hobbled out and into the house
And quietly said to the cat and mouse
“I have to stay inside today
I’m not allowed outside to play.
And you have to bring me all my toys
And be sure not to make lots of noise.”
“Why?” said the cat. “Are you really ill?
Can’t you move? Do you have to stay still?”
“But we saw you walk into the house.
I think you’re teasing” said little brown mouse.
“Yes” said the dog. “My leg’s not too bad
I was only joking so don’t feel sad.
And soon we can go back to the fields and run
And chase and jump and have lots of fun.”
“Right” said the lady “let’s have a treat.
We all need something yummy to eat.”
Some sausage, some cheese, some cake and some fish
Were all carefully placed on their own little dish.

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This publication is part 6 of 11 in the series Old Lady, Dog, Cat and Mouse