Self Image, commentary by KL Merchant at

Self Image

Self Image

written by: KL Merchant


Why is self image so important?

Self image is important because it holds the core value of who we are. A good sense of self image is when a person knows who they are and who they are not. Nothing can break or define them.

“There is an inner you that pulls you to be a greater you, if you truly believe.” – KL Merchant

Because of the social conformity, human beings are often prone to judging others by what they do and how they express themselves which also opens up a portal where it causes them to incur self hate in a twisted cycle. We get unfairly treated and lose respect.

Society lives off a kind of box approval, if we don’t fit the criteria then we’re considered not good enough.

Others seek permission to be accepted rather than accepting themselves.
The only validation they need is from themselves.
We do not need anybody’s permission in life.

We can be who we are without limitations,
We do not need to adjust ourselves in order to be liked.

We are our own person and free to feel comfortable in our own skin.

The tragic truth is that many of us fail to love ourselves.
People compare themselves to others and all do it at some point.

Compared to TV personalities. Some may compare themselves to models, trying to achieve the same picture, perfect bodies, going after the perfect lifestyle and more. Sacrificing their own self value to be seen as anything but.

Please know this; Most of what we see is only 50%, the other 50% is hidden and hidden well.

We only see what they want us to see.

How we see ourselves is not how others see us; but why is that an issue?

It shouldn’t be an issue, as I’ve mentioned before,
if you’re happy with yourself then how somebody else sees you shouldn’t bother you.

Social Psychology studies show that we tend to judge and categorise
people before we’ve even met them properly. Just from a distance we can incidentally decide people
and their lifestyle or intentions before seeing any real evidence.


Because we have been conditioned to do that. It is in our nature as humans in the social dynamic to be picky and judge, it is associated with how we find and pick a mate
for our basic instincts, the search for someone who is alpha and confident. It is about survival.
The ability to judge unconditionally comes from our ancestors of the stone age,
the cavemen and women that first discovered social chemistry and how to survive through evolution.

But we can learn our minds to think differently.

We can catch ourselves and stop our conditioning, we can give people
a chance to express themselves and then decide later whether
their impression is valid upon us rather than upfront.

If we can all accept one another, the world would be a better place. Nobody would feel discriminated against or prejudiced. There will be no competitiveness, as when we think about this, we are each in our own lane and holding our own flame. Our stories are similar but never the same, because we are all on a different journey.

There is a gap that opens up – when we first meet somebody,
and in that gap we see the person we want to be and the person we really are.
We see what is stopping us, becoming who we want to be.

It is our true self reaching out from underneath.

A gut reaction telling us to stay true to who we are.

The false perception is the ego believing the
fabricated versions we see on the TV.
what the media will have you believe, only to deceive.

Move away from the lies.

Take yourself away from anything that tries to make you feel less good about you.
Anything that screams inadequacy.

Keep yourself focused on your own vision.

We are not perfect humans. Imperfection-ism is in our nature,
to experiment with the fast paced moving circumstances that come our way.

Nobody can define what normal means, it differs from each person.

We are all unique in our own way; Embracing that is what makes us the
more confident person we are today. So, stop searching for perfection and live outside of it.

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