Soul Mate, a poem by Charley De Inspirator at
Nathan Dumlao

Soul Mate

Soul Mate

written by: Charley De Inspirator



I was told that true love doesn’t exist
That the idea of a soul mate is just a delusion
Yet, there’s an exotic yearning in my heart that persists
But not enough to draw a conclusion

I’ve tried to disprove the myth
But my sojourn remains stained by uncertainties
The story of Adam & Eve fueled my faith
But this simple story is now full of complexities

As stood at the edge of normalcy,
Ready to dive deep into expectational fallacies,
There came you with all your glamour.
My heart paused for hours as I stared at you.

The jingle bells of my heart ranged till nightfall
You tingled my mind leaving me lost in trance
My darkness came to light
From then, I knew you were my soul mate

I‘m never scared of losing you
because whenever I can‘t find you,
I just look into my chest,
I open up my heart and there you are.

You‘ve got the key to the most precious organ I carry,
And some emotions might vary,
But my love for you has no limit.
And once you entered my heart, you will forever stay in it.

So today, I vow to love you
As my heart beats synchronize with yours
Know that, I can die for you
And Everything that’s mine, it’s also yours

Board this love jet with me
Let’s soar through space and time
As I pour down my love on you
Like August Rain

Lips to lips, we go dey all night
As I caress your hips and gluteus maximus
Bumper to bumper, we go dey alright

You’ll forever be my Soul mate

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