Spotlight On Writers - Antonia Wang, interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Antonia Wang

Spotlight On Writers

Antonia Wang



  1. Where do you originate from?

I was born and raised in Jarabacoa, a beautiful mountain town nestled in what’s known as the Dominican Alps—a popular tourist destination. Many are surprised to learn that the Dominican Republic boasts the highest mountains in the Caribbean, with Pico Duarte reaching an impressive 10,174 feet. I grew up surrounded by majestic peaks and towering pine trees. My parents were raised in the neighboring mountains, where they lived off the land, eating what they could grow or trade on the steep, lush hillsides.

  1. What do you cherish most about the place you call home?

What I cherish most is the warmth of the Dominican people—especially those from the Cibao Region where I grew up. Their generosity and innate sense of joy are heartwarming, even in the face of economic challenges. I miss the food, too. Growing up in Jarabacoa, everyone’s door was always open. Neighbors and relatives would drop by for coffee or a quick chat throughout the day. Although the town has changed considerably since I left—expanding with tourists and a booming economy—I can still show up at a friend’s house unannounced and be greeted with warmth and an invitation to stay for lunch.

  1. What ignites your creativity?

Words, people, landscapes—the inner and outer worlds—ignite my creativity. I recently wrote a poem about a character in a book. I write about people I’ve met once and people I hope to meet. I write about my grandfather’s land, weathered and overgrown in the Cibao hills. I write about children caught in wars, the wasps guarding my grapevines in summer, my family, those I love or have loved, about hope and fear.

  1. Do you have a favorite word and could you incorporate it into a poetic phrase?

I don’t have a single favorite word, but I do love how alight lands softly and rests peacefully in the mind. Here’s my poem “Rendezvous in the 5D,” published in my poetry collection Palette: Love Poems and Painted Words:

Silence hisses the dark of days

inside my ears.

Leaves stopped rustling

their stillborn green

outside my window.

There is no word in sight.
My vantage point from this fishbowl

is as clear as night.

So you alight my dreams,

where we can gleam

in the astral glide.

  1. What is your pet peeve?

The older I get, the more pet peeves I seem to accumulate. I might be turning into a grump. It’s partly due to the cultural shock of living in a foreign land and having a spouse from another culture. My latest pet peeve? My family leaving the dining table without pushing their chairs in. Petty, I know, but aren’t all pet peeves? Still, I try to pick my battles and simply sigh as I push the chairs back in place.

  1. How would you describe the essence of Antonia Wang?

In essence, I am drawn to simplicity. I find joy in a cup of tea on a cold afternoon, the quiet of a peaceful moment, reading a book while wrapped in a blanket, gardening, preparing a home-cooked meal, hiking in the woods, or watching a sunset. Although compassionate and empathetic, I go to great lengths to avoid drama and complications. This allows me time for self-care and reflection, particularly through yoga and writing.

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This publication is part 412 of 440 in the series Spotlight On Writers