Canale Grande Marian Rodziewicz·May 29, 2022Canale Grande written by: Marian Rodziewicz Jak bym pragnął z tobą, wsiąść znów do gondoli I świat...PoetryPolishInternational·1 min read
Survived? Rachit Sharma·May 7, 2022Survived? written by: Rachit Sharma it’s a lonely night, a simmering one short breaths against the white...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Insatiably Rob Clark·April 26, 2022Insatiably written by: Rob Clark @HangryPoet197 Lusting for her lustre while touching one another She bites her...EnglishFeatured PostPoetry·1 min read
Au Revoir Katarzyna Dominik·April 24, 2022Au Revoir written by: Katarzyna Dominik Próbując udźwignąć ciężar świata nie upaść pod naciskiem krzyża rozpostrzeć skrzydła...InternationalPoetryPolish·1 min read
A Riddle Song Spillwords·April 3, 2022A Riddle Song a poem by: Walt Whitman THAT which eludes this verse and any verse, Unheard...EnglishLiterary GreatsPoetry·1 min read
Spaces Tamsen Grace·March 25, 2022Spaces written by: Tamsen Grace It’s the spaces that go unnoticed, the pauses in conversation, the space...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Three Fingers Melyssa G. Sprott·March 18, 2022Three Fingers written by: Melyssa G. Sprott Less elaborate needs; sweet, bitter mist; (shh, the moon is...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
First Breath Reena Prasad·February 12, 2022First breath written by: Reena Prasad @butterflieso My breath seems to have forgotten its way out It...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
My Pappa’s Waltz Spillwords·February 6, 2022My Pappa’s Waltz a poem by Theodore Roethke The whiskey on your breath Could make a small...PoetryEnglishLiterary Greats·1 min read
When All The Trees Are Gone Greg Massey·February 5, 2022When All The Trees Are Gone written by: Greg Massey @PoemCrafter A grim northeaster serves only to...EnglishFeatured PostPoetry·1 min read
Bear, Wolf and Dragon Stanley Wilkin·February 1, 2022Bear, Wolf and Dragon written by: Stanley Wilkin @catalhuyuk On wasted land the dragon roared, Unfurled its...EnglishPoetry·6 mins read
Ode To Babe Koushik Gain·January 31, 2022Ode To Babe written by: Koushik Gain You are the seed of humans, Planted in Innocence, No...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Life’s Breath Eva Marie Cagley·January 17, 2022Life’s Breath written by: Eva Marie Cagley @EvaCagley The humid night air breathes life Wraps you in...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Whatever The Outcome Joanne VanR·January 3, 2022Whatever The Outcome written by: Joanne VanR She twirls the tiny pink umbrella between thumb and forefinger...EnglishLiterature·2 mins read