The House Stephen Herczeg·October 28, 2024The House written by: Stephen Herczeg - The house was old. It had stood on the same hill...EnglishLiteratureHalloween·4 mins read
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Last Breath Joe Silva·September 2, 2024Last Breath written by: Jose Alfredo Silva @joesilvawrites Yesterday, outside my window, a mockingbird sang. Early this...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Three Tethers Left Wade Goff·August 29, 2024Three Tethers Left written by: Wade Goff - The dusty room was rife with bliss and beckoning radiance...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·12 mins read
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The Greater Good Séimí Mac Aindreasa·June 23, 2024The Greater Good written by: Séimí Mac Aindreasa - “Change is never easy, nor should it ever be so...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·8 mins read
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Greeting The Season’s Change Robert W Kovacs·April 29, 2024Greeting The Season’s Change written by: Robert W Kovacs As I lay in bed and battle another...LiteratureEnglish·6 mins read
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Speech and Silence Shalini Kathuria Narang·March 30, 2024Speech and Silence written by: Shalini Kathuria Narang @shalinikat Silence and speech fought, To decide which has...PoetryEnglish·1 min read