Heat Waves Vic Naimanowska·July 15, 2024Heat Waves written by: Vic Naimanowska - Something autumnal crept into my dreams today, and I found myself eager...EnglishLiterature·1 min read
Campfires Glen Gales·June 4, 2024Campfires written by: Glen Gales The day dissolves to twilit splendour, sun slides out of view Earthy...Featured PostPoetryEnglish·1 min read
The Dune Tribute Maciej Pająk·May 9, 2024The Dune Tribute written by: Maciej Pająk (Matthew) the promised planet, sandworms alive, the waves of sand...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Hospice Jim Bellamy·March 19, 2024Hospice written by: Jim Bellamy I do not think I was switched at the hospice As an...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Probably Not For The Likes of Me Andy Houstoun·January 6, 2024Probably Not For The Likes of Me written by: Andy Houstoun @Madmax69425310 The fire crackles and I...EnglishLiterature·1 min read
Mercy Gabriella Balcom·December 3, 2023Mercy written by: Gabriella Balcom Zanzia opened the bottle, looked inside, and raised it to her nose,...Featured PostHaunted HolidaysEnglishLiterature·9 mins read
The Darkened Moon Kayleigh Merchant·November 20, 2023The Darkened Moon written by: Kayleigh Merchant The darkened side of the moon, You are on the...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
How Trouble Grows Joan McNerney·November 7, 2023How Trouble Grows written by: Joan McNerney Trouble is patient hiding around corners. creeping through shadows entering...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Day 31 Kellasandra Ferrara·October 31, 2023Day 31 written by: Kellasandra Ferrara @kellasandra1 in these last desperate hours on Day 31 begs the...PoetryEnglishHalloween·1 min read
A Useless Wish Adewuyi Taiwo·September 6, 2023A Useless Wish written by: Adewuyi Taiwo Every day that passes draws us closer To when we...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Demon’s Awake Cyril Giraud·July 31, 2023Demon’s Awake written by: Cyril Giraud Blue flames licked the central post Eyes mesmerized by the dance...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Death to Life Akshita1776·July 14, 2023Death to Life written by: Akshita1776 The pyre was set and ready As the sunflowers withered and...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Old Flames Dilip Mohapatra·June 27, 2023Old Flames written by: Dilip Mohapatra @dilipmo They say two make company and three a crowd but we...EnglishPoetryFeatured Post·1 min read
Fire and Flowers beachglass·June 12, 2023Fire and Flowers written by: beachglass The legend of the phoenix has been told for thousands of...EnglishPoetry·1 min read