Swagger Cristina Munoz·January 31, 2023Swagger written by: Cristina Munoz @cristinamunoz8 strangers can call me sir before they see my face on...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
Cinderella Lynn White·March 28, 2022Cinderella written by: Lynn White In her dreams she would go to the ball. She’d meet her...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Gradated Eliza Segiet·January 27, 2022Gradated written by: Eliza Segiet translated by: Artur Komoter - The talks are over. Others have no right to chat up the Better...PoetryPolishEnglishInternational·1 min read
Cutting Edge Samantha Beardon·February 4, 2019Cutting Edge written by: Samantha Beardon Cutting edge design? If so it’s a crime, I get. The...PoetryEnglish·1 min read