Christmas Rex Fausett·December 16, 2024Christmas written by: Rex Fausett - Let me say straight off that I believe in Santa Claus...EnglishLiteratureChristmas·6 mins read
Frau Perchta Christina Ciufo·December 2, 2024Frau Perchta written by: Christina Ciufo @ChristinaCiufo Alps mountains, gelid, alluring, and surreptitious, become submerged in the...Haunted HolidaysPoetryEnglish·1 min read
Zainab David Thoenen·November 27, 2024Zainab written by: David Thoenen - The men in clean green uniforms screamed filthy blasphemies...LiteratureEnglish·2 mins read
The Haunting of the Acacia Tree Michelle Ayon Navajas·November 1, 2024The Haunting of the Acacia Tree written by: Michelle Ayon Navajas - In a forgotten barrio of the Philippines...LiteratureHalloweenEnglish·2 mins read
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The Whispering Lanterns Etya Krichmar·October 28, 2024The Whispering Lanterns written by: Etya Krichmar - No one dared to ignore Halloween in the small, forgotten village of Eldergrave...EnglishLiteratureHalloween·3 mins read
The Watchman of Hallows’ Eve Edward Wraith·October 24, 2024The Watchman of Hallows’ Eve written by: Edward Wraith On Hallows’ Eve, when mystic moonlight weaves, Through...PoetryFeatured PostHalloweenEnglish13 Days of Halloween·1 min read
Holy Ground David O'Mahony·September 16, 2024Holy Ground written by: David O'Mahony - Liam was digging a hole. Not a very wide hole, or a very elegant one...LiteratureEnglish·4 mins read
The Night of the Fireflies and the Thunderstorm Elizabeth Vincent Koshy·August 17, 2024The Night of the Fireflies and the Thunderstorm written by: Dr. Elizabeth V. Koshy - At twilight, we walk in trepidation, down the steep slope of loose rocks and gravel...EnglishLiterature·3 mins read
Carpe Diem Spillwords·July 21, 2024Carpe Diem a poem by: Robert Frost Age saw two quiet children Go loving by at twilight,...PoetryEnglishLiterary Greats·1 min read
Village Born Nehemiah Ojochonu Egwuda·July 18, 2024Village Born written by: Nehemiah Ojochonu Egwuda - Born in a remote African village nestled deep in the heart of Nigeria...LiteratureEnglish·1 min read
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The Sunflowers Deepti Shakya·April 23, 2024The Sunflowers written by: Deepti Shakya I passed through a village, Suddenly I saw a crowd in...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
The Book of Sands Nelly Shulman·April 21, 2024The Book of Sands written by: Nelly Shulman White surf touched his ankles, and he shuddered, startled...EnglishLiterature·1 min read