Mary McGregor’s Talking Macaw Craig E Harms·November 30, 2023Mary McGregor’s Talking Macaw written by: Craig E Harms “She was not quite what you would call...EnglishFeatured PostLiterature·8 mins read
The Timely Death of Peter Usher James Nelli·October 4, 2023The Timely Death of Peter Usher written by: James Nelli The inside of the church on Manhattan’s...EnglishLiterature·3 mins read
Hazy Dani Brokaw·August 23, 2023Hazy written by: Dani Brokaw @daniiswriting Hazel Gray craved order. At eighty-three, widowed for ten years, she...EnglishLiterature·4 mins read
The Photograph Christopher Johnson·July 23, 2023The Photograph written by: Christopher Johnson @cjohnsonwrite Ulee looked out the window as the train crawled past...Featured PostLiteratureEnglish·21 mins read
Departure J M E Bell·April 27, 2023Departure written by: J M E Bell @jmebellauthor Taking a departure from driving to work, Melody walked...Featured PostEnglishLiterature·12 mins read
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This Beholder Karima Hoisan·February 27, 2023This Beholder written by: Karima Hoisan This Beholder for U. Beauty is in the eye of this...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
The Poet Writes Charlie Bottle·January 20, 2022The Poet Writes written by: Charlie Bottle @CharlieBottle When I walk on most mornings the sun’s moved...Featured PostPoetryEnglish·1 min read
Bill’s Lament C H Elton·May 6, 2021Bill’s Lament written by: C H Elton @sdc130764 So, I start another day, sat here in my...Featured PostEnglishLiterature·16 mins read
The Widow’s Son John Chinaka Onyeche Ajc·March 10, 2021The Widow’s Son written by: John Chinaka Onyeche @Apostlejohnchin He died trying to Be a better father...PoetryEnglish·1 min read
Tokens of Sleep Antoinette McCormick·January 7, 2021Tokens of Sleep written by: Antoinette McCormick The noises began near the end of October. The first...LiteratureEnglishFeatured Post·8 mins read
Anniversary Jim Bellamy·June 3, 2020Anniversary written by: Jim Bellamy Were we really rain that night Or did we Simply trade our...EnglishPoetry·1 min read
A Horrible Misadventure Andrew Scobie·April 18, 2020A Horrible Misadventure written by: Andrew Scobie Carla had arranged yet another blind date. Nervously she brushed at...EnglishFeatured PostLiterature·8 mins read
All Souls Day FM Tate·February 8, 2020All Souls Day written by: FM Tate The front door closes behind you. Uniform creased to perfection....PoetryEnglish·1 min read