The Solitude We Shared
written by: Aurora Kastanias
My dear fish I miss the solitude
I shared with you whilst splashing around
amidst multifarious marine creatures, we were kings,
wide-eyed, mouth agape, before colours
extravaganza and galore, blue and all its hues
but also, orange, purple, and white,
red and emerald, we joked, explored,
discovered the depths of nature, our emotions,
sinking salted tears whilst doubts and fears
went adrift, philosophical debates tuned to waves
the ebb and flow of myriad questions, our curiosity
our favourite game, dwelling on whys and hows
answers flowed from entrancing mellifluous songs
sang by enthusiastic whales and sirens
now I am stranded on a desert island
my sole boon companion a palm tree
though it will not speak to me
left alone I drown in an existential crisis
yet I have no more questions, my world
monochromatized, beige is all around me
and though I look for you you are nowhere
to be seen. My dear fish, I crave for your wise word
and miss the solitude we shared.
- Agnolalliv - February 12, 2025
- Come Back To Me - November 12, 2024
- Do Not Apologise - August 5, 2024