Where is the Edge..?
written by: Monika Ajay Kaul
A strenuous path, the future seems.
Even if we tread, it would be like a
Voyage to nowhere, deprived of hope.
It was devoid of light, As we look back;
now looking ahead, we fathom,
our days in the Sun are numbered.
The World we live in, is mouldering;
for so long, cherishing covetousness,
now can’t come out from the mess of manipulations.
Taking fake credits and applause;
for pillaging Mother Earth for deep pockets;
even if we change now, all remains Godforsaken.
Only ‘The über rich’ will last longer
in the air conditioned havens;
The rest shall fight the end.
The ground beneath their feet crumbles.
Spinning into a dystopian nightmare,
none of them can wake from.
Once upon a time, Despair used to be
a sentiment for the aged and frail,
now it as ubiquitous and inescapable
as the polluted wind and waterways.
“Where is the Edge…?!”
The outcast Humanity asks.
- The Ocean Never Asks - December 30, 2024
- Echoes of Exile: A Review of Siddhartha Gigoo’s Memoir - August 21, 2024
- Poetry of Life..!! - April 3, 2024