Down Through The Ages
written by: Susi Bocks
from the ancient Celtic ritual
the festival of Samhain
replete with bonfires
and costumes to ward off ghosts
returning from the dead
to a pope stealing some traditions
folding them into all saints day
honoring the greats of that time
on all hallows eve
awaiting another transformation
then Halloween emerged
with families trick-or-treating
escorting the young ones
down one street after another
for a bit of fright and collecting candy
in their buckets or decorated pillowcases
manufacturers gain
huge capitalistic rewards on this day
sales being one-quarter of annual candy purchases
while parents reap only a week’s worth
of their children’s stash
goblins, witches, black cats on boo day
like all the rest of history
ever involving
become another thing to do
Aren’t you excited for the next version of hallow day?
- With Awe In Their Eyes - December 25, 2019
- Language of Woods - December 3, 2019
- Down Through The Ages - October 20, 2019