Spotlight On Writers - Steven Fortune, interview at

Spotlight On Writers – Steven Fortune

Spotlight On Writers

Steven Fortune


  1. Where, do you hail from?

I am from Cape Breton, an island of Nova Scotia on the east coast of Canada.

  1. What is the greatest thing about the place you call home?

The scenery, which is awe-inspiring and highly conducive to artistic inspiration. Cape Breton is home to the Cabot Trail, which is commonly polled as one of the world’s top-five most beautiful drives.

  1. What turns you on creatively?

Community coffee shops; I currently work at one of the many in my hometown of Sydney, which are commonly frequented by local artists and everyday crowds who comingle seamlessly. Coffee shops have a way of injecting profundity into the most mundane conversations, and making poets and philosophers of its most blue-collar patrons. Whether you’re one of a crowd, or on the introverted side, everyone’s presence is significant, and every life becomes a story. I’m a solitary writer that tends to do my best work in the confines of my own home, but a great many of my ideas come from these places.

  1. What is your favorite word, and can you use it in a poetic sentence?

I have two: frost and acquiesce.

The frost of a maritime night can only ride the coattails of a chilly morning for so long, for it is fated to acquiesce to the sun that overrules the wind.

  1. What is your pet peeve?

Myself. I can’t get out of my own way when it comes to the creative process. I struggle to write spontaneously, and no matter how hard I try to adopt a stream-of-conscious approach, I inevitably find myself writing and pondering one word at a time. As a result, I rarely write more than two drafts of anything, but I’d much rather write multiple drafts and edit feverishly along the way. Alas, my brain simply isn’t wired as such.

  1. What defines Steven Fortune?

The written word. I am a painfully awkward individual in the flesh, and my best intentions rarely translate well in physical gestures or off-the-cuff statements. No doubt it’s that awkwardness that feeds my aforementioned writing style, but when I tell somebody to ‘read my stuff,’ it is anything but idle self-promotion. More often than not, it’s a form of contrition.

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This publication is part 175 of 442 in the series Spotlight On Writers