A Ray of Hope, poetry by Gaurangi Arora at Spillwords.com
Andrey Svistunov

A Ray of Hope

A Ray of Hope

written by: Gaurangi Arora



Pain and agony were in sheer,
I was dressed in tear.
Weary of my dreary life,
I was knackered from self-strife.
With heart shattered and pain in soul,
I stood there all sole.

Roamed befuddled all the while,
Until my fate wore a smile.
Fears and insecurities all assuaged,
The tears didn’t anymore wage.
Happiness knocked on the door,
Hardly had I experienced before.

Something tiny held me together,
And something very tiny lifted me up,
It was a tiny ray of hope,
Yeah! Just a tiny ray of hope!

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